Tag Archives: Innovation

10 technology trends set to change the world

A great post – care of Manufacturing Executive – that I found from Twitter of a presentation from Dave Evans at Cisco back in July last year.  10 technology innovations and trends that are happening now that will impact all our lives over the next 10 years…

Here’s the overview list…

  1. The Internet of Things – more ‘things’ being connected to the Internet than people
  2. Big data – allowing us to predict more things and change the way we plan
  3. The cloud – making all knowledge of the world available to everyone
  4. The next generation Internet – network speeds are increasing exponentially
  5. Hyper connectivity – realtime broadcasts with unprecedented transparency
  6. The power of energy – intelligent use of energy
  7. Augmented reality – and the ultimate man-machine integration
  8. 3D printing – everyone becomes a manufacturer
  9. Artificial intelligence – completely intelligent and self-aware computers
  10. Human evolution – slowing the ageing process

And links to the original presentation and video from Dave.

As an aside Dave’s job title has to be one of the coolest ones out there – Chief Futurist & Chief Technologist.  It clearly demonstrates the importance and criticality of innovation in technology.  Do you have one of these chiefs?